Tamper & distributor combo

With this multifunctional Tamper & Distributor tool, tamping perfectly is a breeze!

Level your coffee in the filter basket, flip it over, and tamp it perfectly every time.

The Benefits:

  • Better coffee, leveling prevents channeling
  • Pure convenience with the 2-in-1 combination
  • Excellent tamping – level and adjustable in depth

Elevate your espresso with ease, and order the size that fits your machine below!

Size Guide


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Good Tamping is not Easy

When I (Jasper) first started as a home barista, I noticed that my espresso always tasted different. Inconsistent and sour (this was due to channeling, for those in the know).

With the bottomless portafilter, I could see the problem: I was clearly tamping at an angle. There’s good tamping, and then there’s good, consistent, level tamping. Quite a challenge!

I was looking for a tool that evenly distributes the ground coffee and a tamper that could be adjusted in depth to always tamp consistently and level.

That’s how this Tamper & Distributor was born! A simple action with a big effect.

Our Experience, Your Benefit

At Barista Essentials, you’ll find thoughtfully designed products. This way, you benefit from our home barista experience.

We’ve tested every product on the market and ended up with this Tamper & Distributor. Here’s why:

  • Depth adjustable with rotating mechanisms so you can control the pressure
  • High-quality stainless steel for years of tamping and distributing
  • Ergonomic with aluminum grip
  • For every portafilter available in 4 standard sizes (51mm/53.3mm/58mm/58.5mm)

The Best Tamper & Distributor for You

Our Tamper & Distributor combination can be used with most espresso machines.
51mm: Delonghi Dedica, Solis Grind & Infuse Compact
53.3mm: Sage Barista Express, Solis Grind & Infuse Pro, Breville Barista Express
58mm: Quick Mill
58.5mm: All E61 machines, ECM, VBM (Vibiemme), Rocket, Rancilio, La Marzocco, as well as the Solis Triple Heat, Sage the Oracle, Breville Barista Max

Make sure to check which size fits your portafilter. You can do this by measuring the inside of your filter basket or your tamper. The diameter in mm is your size.

Check our size chart if your machine isn’t listed here.

Complete your coffee corner with our tamper mats, where you can place your tamper after tamping (and distributing!).

If you have any questions about this product or anything else, feel free to reach out! We’re always here for you! 👋

Customer Reviews

Based on 27 reviews
Nooit meer worstelen om de koffiepuck waterpas te krijgen!

Zeer tevreden met deze aankoop! Ik gebruik een Sage toestel en merkte dat het tampen niet altijd hetzelfde verliep met de bijhorende tamper (lees: soms scheef met frustratie tot gevolg). Deze verdeler is handig in gebruik en geeft je telkens een consistente puck, en dus ook betere koffie. 😉
Ik merk wel dat het gewicht op zich tijdens het verdelen ook al voor voldoende tamping zorgt. Als ik de tamper-kant gebruik na het verdelen lijkt mijn koffie veel trager door te lopen dus ik houd het voorlopig bij één kant.


Black, Silver


51mm, 53.3mm, 58mm, 58.5mm

Size Guide

Find the right size tools for your espresso machine!
Looking for a portafilter? Our portafilters have their own Size Chart!

  • Sage, Solis, Breville
  • E61 and other
  • De'Longhi
BrandMachineSuitable size
SageBambino plus (SES500)53.3mm
SageDuo-Temp Pro (SES810)53.3mm
SageBarista Express (SES875)53.3mm
SageBarista Pro (SES878)53.3mm
SageBarista Touch (SES880)53.3mm
SageDual Boiler (SES920)58.5mm
SageThe Oracle Jet (SES985)58.5mm
SageThe Oracle (SES980)58.5mm
SageOracle Touch (SES990)58.5mm
SageThe Barista Impress53.3mm
SolisSolis 11051mm
SolisMaster 11351mm
SolisBarista Pro 11453.3mm
SolisGrind & Infuse Pro 11553.3mm
SolisCaffespresso Pro 11753.3mm
SolisPerfect Pro 11853.3mm
SolisPriaroma 101051mm
SolisTripe Heat 101158.5mm
SolisGran Gusto 101458.5mm
SolisGrind & Infuse Compact 101851mm
SolisPerfetta Plus 117053.3mm
SolisPersonal Barista 115058.5mm
BrevilleBarista Express53.3mm
BrevilleBarista Pro53.3mm
BrevilleOracle Touch58.5mm
BrevilleThe Infuser53.3mm
BrevilleBarista max58.5mm
BrevilleBarista max +58.5mm
BrandMachineSuitable size
AscasoSteel Duo PID58.5mm
BEEMEspresso Grind Profession58mm
BezzeraAll machines58.5mm
CimbaliAll machines57mm (niet beschikbaar)
CreateThera Classic, Thera Retro51mm
CremaAll machines58.5mm
ECMAll machines58.5mm
ExpobarAll machines58.5mm
GastrobackBarista Touch (42623)53.3mm
GastrobackAdvanced Duo (42626)53.3mm
GastrobackBarista Pro (42616)53.3mm
GastrobackAdvanced Barista (42619)51mm
GastrobackEspresso Piccolo (42716)51mm
GastrobackEspresso Pro (42709)51mm
GastrobackEspresso Plus (52606)51mm
FlairAll machines58.5mm
GaggiaClassic, Classic Pro58.5mm
GraefAll machines58.5mm
IsomacGiada, Maverick, Venus53.3mm
IsomacAll other machines58.5mm
Krupsespresso XP344051mm
La MarzoccoAll machines58.5mm
La pavoniAll other machinesNo suitable size
La PavoniDuet, Club, NapolitanaNo suitable size
La PavoniEuropiccolaNo suitable size
La PavoniLever (Millenium New Lever)51mm
La PavoniLever (voor 2000)No suitable size
La PavoniLusso, Pisa, Si53.3mm
La PavoniProfessional51mm
La PavoniPub58.5mm
La PavoniAll other machinesNo suitable size
La San MarcoAll machines53.3mm
LelitBianca V358.5mm
LelitElizabeth V358.5mm
LelitGiulietta X58.5mm
LelitMara X v258.5mm
LelitAnitaNo suitable size
LelitAnnaNo suitable size
LelitGraceNo suitable size
LelitGildaNo suitable size
ProfitecPro 300, 500, 700, 81058.5mm
ProfitecGONo suitable size
Quick MillAchille 0996 Lever model58.5mm
Quick MillAlexia58.5mm
Quick MillAndreja 098058.5mm
Quick MillAnita 099058.5mm
Quick MillAquila 098558.5mm
Quick MillCarola 096058.5mm
Quick MillLa Certa 097558.5mm
Quick MillMilano 098058.5mm
Quick MillPippa58.5mm
Quick MillQM 67 099258.5mm
Quick MillRapida 098758.5mm
Quick MillSilvano 0400558.5mm
Quick MillVetrano 099558.5mm
Quick Mill'Triple winged' portafilters (820, 835, 2820, 2835, 3000, 3002, 3004, 3035, 3245, Evo70)58mm
RancilioV1, V2, V3, V458.5mm
RancilioV5, V6No suitable size
RocketAll machines58.5mm
Vibiemme (VBM)All machines58.5mm
MachineMachineSuitable size
De'LonghiDedica EC68051mm
De'LonghiDedica EC68551mm
De'LonghiDedica EC78551mm
De'LonghiDedica EC88551mm
De'LonghiDedica Maestro Plus EC95051mm
De'LonghiLa Specialista Prestigio EC935551mm
De'LonghiLa Specialista Arte EC915551mm
De'Longhi la specialista Maestro EC966551mm
De'LonghiLa Specialista Maestro EC986551mm
De'LonghiIcona Vintage51mm
De'LonghiStilosa EC23551mm